Ten cybersafety tips every parent should know
Keeping your kids safe online is easy with a few simple precautions. Find out more: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/technology/cybersafety/cybersafety-tips-every-parent-should-know
Cyberbullying - what the experts say
While research into cyberbullying is still in its infancy, the one thing we do know is the online environment is really just a new setting for age-old issues. Cyberbullying is an extension of face-to-face bullying. It's all about relationships.
Find out more by visiting: http://www.schoolatoz.nsw.edu.au/technology/cyberbullying/what-the-experts-say
Cybersafety Help Button
The Help Button provides internet users, particularly children and young people, with easy online access to counselling, reporting and information resources to assist in dealing with cybersafety issues. Visit the Cybersafety Help Button download page here.
The Easy Guide to Socialising Online
The Easy Guide provides cybersafety information about 27 different social networking sites, search engines and online games. This includes general tips on how to stay safe when using any social media site. View the The Easy Guide to Socialising Online here.
Think U Know Cybersafety
For more information, you can visit the 'Think U Know' Australia website.