PBL - Positive Behaviour for Learning
To assist students to become respectful, responsible and striving for personal best, Avoca Beach Public School has adopted the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) framework set out by the NSW DoE. PBL challenges and encourages schools to reflect on their systems and practices to determine if they are having a positive effect on student learning.
Stellar Star (pictured above) is our PBL mascot and built in to our school rewards system.
- addresses the diverse academic and social needs of ALL students to support them to be successful
- supports students in early childhood settings through to senior years of schooling
- enables schools to establish a continuum of supports that are intensified to meet the needs of ALL students
- is team driven, using a problem solving approach (data, systems and practices) that engages students, parents and all school staff
- establishes positive social expectations for all in the school community
- provides a framework for the school and its community to collectively support the wellbeing of ALL students.
When implemented well:
- students respond positively as they have been taught what is expected of them
- staff deliver consistent responses to student learning and behaviour
- students feel safe and cared for at school. Their parents, family and community are more involved in their school
- unproductive and challenging behaviour can be significantly reduced for most students.
To simplify and make our expectations clear, we have developed a new system:
- School staff will reward students for demonstrating positive behaviour with ‘Stellars'.
- Students will collate 'Stellars' and record them on a ‘Stellar Swap Sheet' located in their class. Once recorded, students may take the 'Stellars' home.
- In Week 9 of each term, students will have an opportunity to take their 'Stellar Swap Sheet' and cash in their 'Stellars' for rewards and privileges from a ‘Reward Menu' created by the students for the students (see attached for this year's menu).
- Rewards and privileges may be issued as coupons (redeemable anytime in consultation with the class teacher) or ‘Reward Day' activities which will be held in Week 10 of each term.
- Every 5 weeks we will hold a PBL Values Award ceremony. Two students from each class will be selected to receive a PBL Values Award specific to the value being focussed on: Respectful, Responsible, Personal Best. A parent, carer or family member will be invited up to the school to present the PBL Values Award on the Friday assembly.
The implementation of this new system will enable students to choose their reward for positive behaviour. It will also ensure students are being recognised in and outside of the classroom for demonstrating respectful and responsible behaviour while striving for their personal best.